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免責聲明 、豁免條款


  1. 閣下明確了解並同意您使用由醫信滙科技有限公司 (“醫信滙”) 轄下的「醫信滙網站」(“”) 及其相關數碼平台 (“醫信滙數碼平台”) 提供的服務之風險是由閣下個人負擔。醫信滙數碼平台提供的資訊、產品及服務是依「現況」及「現有」基礎提供。


You expressly agree that use of services at & affiliated digital platforms (“MEDcentra Digital Platforms”) provided by MEDcentra Technology Limited (“MEDcenrtra”) is at your sole risk. The information goods and services are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis.


  1. 醫信滙及其資訊供應商竭力提供準確而可靠的資料,但並不保證資料絕對無誤,資料如有錯漏而令閣下蒙受損失,醫信滙概不負責。


MEDcentra and third party information providers endeavor to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided but does not guarantee its accuracy or reliability and accepts no liability (whether in tort or contract or otherwise) for any loss or damage arising from any inaccuracies or omissions.


  1. 醫信滙數碼平台內所載一切意見及估計(如有)為於所示日期我們所有及所知信息的判斷,並可予更改而無須作出通知。


All opinions and estimates included in MEDcentra Digital Platforms (if any) constitute our judgement as of the date indicated based on information that is available to us and that we are aware of, and are subject to change without notice.


  1. 醫信滙清楚明示不提供任何明示或默示的擔保或陳述,包括但不限於任何作品名目的擁有權、商業適售性、質量保證、特定目的之適用性及未侵害他人權利。


MEDcentra expressly disclaims all warranties or representations of any kind, whether express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of title, merchantability and quality, fitness for a particular purpose and no infringement of any rights of the third party.


  1. 醫信滙不保證醫信滙數碼平台的資訊、產品及服務將符合閣下的要求,或該資訊、產品及服務及其使用及取得之結果不受干擾、及時提供、正確、安全可靠、完整或免於出錯。醫信滙亦不保證軟件及硬件中的任何錯誤都將得到更正。


MEDcentra makes no warranty that the information goods and services will meet your requirements, or that the said information goods and services and their use and results will be free from interruption, timely secure, accurate, safe, reliable or error free. MEDcentra also makes no warranty that any defects in software and hardware will be corrected.



  1. 醫信滙亦不保證經由或透過醫信滙數碼平台購買或取得之任何商品及服務之結果或質量。


MEDcentra also makes no warranty as to results or quality of any goods or services purchased or obtained from or through MEDcentra Digital Platforms.


  1. 醫信滙不負責及不承擔任何損害或損失, 無論該些損害或損失是因使用醫信滙數碼平台而引致的故障、錯誤、遺漏、干擾、刪改、缺點、傳送或接收的錯誤或延誤、因下載而感染電腦病毒、通訊系統故障、盜用或損壞或未獲授權登入、更改或使用紀錄而造成的,亦不論是否因而引致毀約、侵權、疏忽、誹謗及其他訴訟而造成的任何損害或損失。


MEDcentra also disclaims any liability as a result of any damages or injury howsoever caused by use of MEDcentra Digital Platforms which results in mistake error omission interruption deletion defects, error or delay in transmission or receipt, computer virus followed by download, communication network failure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access, alteration of, or use of record, whether for breach of contract, tortuous behaviour, negligence, defamation, or under any other cause of action.


  1. 醫信滙、以及參與製作、出品、提供予醫信滙數碼平台任何資訊內容、資料、產品及╱或服務的其他人仕不承擔任何因這些資訊內容、資料、產品及╱或服務所產生的直接、間接、附帶的、特別的、衍生性或懲罰性賠償包括但不限於收入、利潤、經營、商譽、使用、資料的損失或其他無形損失(即使醫信滙已被知會前述賠償之可能性亦然),如 (i) 醫信滙數碼平台提供的資訊內容和資料不正確、無效的或不完整;(ii) 醫信滙數碼平台之使用或無法使用;(iii) 經由或透過本醫信滙網站購買或取得之任何產品、資料、資訊或服務,或接收的訊息,或進行之交易所衍生之代替產品及服務之購買成本;(v) 閣下的資料傳輸或資料遭到未獲授權存取或變造;(vi) 以及醫信滙數碼平台的其他相關事宜。如該等情況是因醫信滙的嚴重疏忽或有意行為造成的,索償額將限於醫信滙所收取的該項服務費用(如有)。


In no event MEDcentra, or any party involved in creating, producing or providing any contents, materials, goods and/or services through MEDcentra Digital Platforms shall be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages including but not limited to, damages for loss of revenue or anticipated profits, loss of business, goodwill, data or other intangible losses even if MEDcentra has been advised of the possibility of such damages resulting from (i) the inaccuracy, invalidity or incompleteness of the contents and materials so provided by MEDcentra Digital Platforms; (ii) use of or inability to use MEDcentra Digital Platforms; (iii) the cost of procurement of substitute goods and/or services resulting from any goods data, information or services purchased or obtained through MEDcentra Digital Platforms; (iv) unauthorized access to or alteration of your transmission or information; and (vi) other matters related to MEDcentra Digital Platforms. In the event of any of the said circumstances results from the gross negligence or wilful act of MEDcentra, the claims that the MEDcentra may account shall be limited to the amount of fees (if any) paid to MEDcentra for the use of goods and/or services.


  1. 醫信滙不負責及不承擔因不可抗力情況下發生任何損失或損害,如發生火災、水災、暴雨、颱風、閃電、地震、暴動、騷動、戰爭或其他自然災禍等不可控制的事故、或有關法例或監管守則的制定或更改及政府或有關機構的限制、或在醫信滙不可在合理控制的情況下 (包括但不限於資訊內容的傳送延誤或錯誤),引致醫信滙不能履行協議內的責任或提供服務。


MEDcentra disclaims any liability for any of losses of or damages due to its failure to perform its undertakings or provide any of the services attributable to any events or circumstances beyond MEDcentra’s control (including but not limited to delay or error in transmission of any content) or any implementation or amendments of the applicable laws, conventions and regulations or restrictions imposed by the government or relevant authorities, or fires, rainstorms, typhoons, thunders, earthquakes, riots, wars or any other natural disasters.


  1. 醫信滙數碼平台有包含第三者包括醫信滙數碼平台之使用者、會員、廣告客戶、聯名商戶、夥伴或其他第三者張貼之內容。而該內容未經醫信滙審批。醫信滙對由第三者張貼之內容所帶來之損失概不負責。除非另有所提,醫信滙數碼平台內所有內容並不反映任何醫信滙之意見。


MEDcentra Digital Platforms may contain materials submitted posted or displayed by other third parties including the users, members, advertisers associated, merchants, partners of MEDcentra Digital Platforms or other third parties. MEDcentra has not edited or reviewed or monitored any of the said materials. MEDcentra shall not be responsible and liable for any losses and damages arising from the materials submitted or posted or displayed by the said third parties. Unless stated otherwise, the materials contained in shall not represent any views or opinions of MEDcentra.


  1. 如本協議的中、英文本出現分歧,以英文文本為準。


In case there arises discrepancy in Chinese and English versions, the English version shall prevail.