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New Era in Precision Medicine – Tumour Agnostic Treatment and Liquid Biopsy

New Era in Precision Medicine – Tumour Agnostic Treatment and Liquid Biopsy

Video Summary

1.The value of tumor agnostic cancer therapy:
a- The principle of “tumor agnostic”
b- How could this approach meet unmet medical needs?
-Increase patient pool: grouped with all forms of cancer featuring target genomic alterations
– Provide treatment options regardless of the frequency or location of cancer or cancers where treatment options are limited or not exist at all.
– Inform diagnosis while identifying potential therapeutic targets in one go. Understand the dynamics of disease progression and treatment response
– Ensure treatments highly targeted to individual cancer; increase response, reduces side effects compared to non-targeted standards of care.
– Avoid misdiagnosis which can lead to delays of diagnosis and treatment, reduces inefficiencies, reduces burden on healthcare system and bring potential savings.
– Help patients with more common forms of cancer, who have undergone numerous treatment options but unable to tolerate conventional therapy; those with later stages of cancer progression

2. NTRK epidemiology, clinical evidence of NTRK fusion-positive tumors and TRKi data
a- Efficacy and safety of TRKi use in patients with NTRK fusion-positive tumors.
b- Clinically meaningful benefits of TRKi and its performance on NTRK fusion-positive solid tumors:
-Individual patient responses across different tumor type
-Individual patient responses by CNS metastases and non-CNS metastases, intracranial responses vs systemic responses.
-Individual patient responses by type of NTRK gene
-Duration of response, PFS and OS

3. Larotrectinib – ASCO 2020 Update

4. Selection of a High Quality Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)

5. How FDA and CDx claim affects the test selection?
a- Clinicians’ perspectives on rare mutations testing with NGS (e.g. NTRK, ROS-1, BRAF).
-The concept of “Basket trials”. How it helps to target rare genomic alterations?
-How high-quality NGS across tumour types could serve a great job for genomic alteration identification?
-How well it aligns with precision oncology?
b. Criteria for selecting NGS testing:
– Advise and experience on gene penal selection in corresponding with clinical or oncological requirements?
– How to strike a balance between needs and cost?

6. Liquid Biopsy – applications

7. Clinical Benefit using Liquid Biopsy – Carcinoma of Unknown Primary (CUP)
8. Liquid Biopsy Experience Sharing – Case sharing


(Appreciation Acknowledgement: This educational program is supported by Roche Hong Kong Limited.)

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•  Next Generation Sequencing in Liquid Biopsy for Cancer Management
Dr. William CHO|Chartered Scientist (UK)

•“Unlocking the Potential of Precision Medicine” Panel Discussion
– Dr. William CHO|Chartered Scientist (UK) &
– Dr. Joseph Siu-Kie AU| Specialist in Clinical Oncology and President of Hong Kong Precision Oncology Society

For doctors to ask questions

Thank you for your precious time to view the online videos of Unlocking the Potential of Precision Medicine.

You are welcome to send your questions about the new era of precision medicine of liquid biopsy and value of  tumour agnostic cancer therapy after watched the videos.

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Thank you very much of your interest and kind attention.