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CUHKMC Urology Symposium – Precision in Partial Nephrectomy for Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC)
In this symposium, we are honored to have four well-known and admirable speakers share their knowledge and experience on partial nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma (RCC).
【胰臟癌治療】胰臟癌精準手術 – 微創手術配合3D醫學影像進行胰臟癌切除與重建手術 | 夏威醫生
【肝臟治療】肝癌精準手術 – 3D醫學影像如何協助肝癌進行精準肝切除術 | 夏威醫生
【腎癌治療】腎癌精準手術:精準手術的關鍵 — 3D醫學影像的運用 | 敖章鐘醫生
【腎癌治療】腎癌精準手術:精準手術的優勢 — 最小化損害並保留腎功能 | 敖章鐘醫生
【腎癌治療】腎癌精準手術:腎細胞癌治療的未來 — 微創精準手術 | 馬偉傑醫生
【精準醫療】肺癌篩查新突破與3D醫學影像技術 | 司徒達麟醫生
CUHKMC Urology Symposium – Precision in Partial Nephrectomy for Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC)
In this symposium, we are honored to have four well-known and admirable speakers share their knowledge and experience on partial nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma (RCC).
Precision Thoracic Surgery with 3D Imaging in Surgical Planning and Guidance
In the first webinar, we are honoured to have three well-known and admirable speakers to share their knowledge, experience and insights regarding the existing challenges, development and the future of precision thoracic surgery.