Age of Revolution in Precision Oncology- President’s message:
Another Age of Revolution has dawned globally and every aspect including oncological practice is not exempted. The concept of Tumour Agnostic Therapy has recently evolved and changed the paradigm, genomic characterization of tumour has become crucial in order to move toward a molecular-based therapy for the vast majority of cancers. It has implied the need for testing multiple targetable genetic alterations irrespective of the primary site of cancer by reliable high-throughput technologies. Repeated and serial monitoring of the genetic changes of the cancer along the course of treatment is also necessary. In this seminar, we would present the current evidence for such developments.
• Next Generation Sequencing in Liquid Biopsy for Cancer Management
– Dr. William CHO|Chartered Scientist (UK)
• New Era in Precision Medicine – Tumour Agnostic Treatment and Liquid Biopsy
– Dr. Joseph Siu-Kie AU|Specialist in Clinical Oncology and President of Hong Kong Precision Oncology Society