Registration deadline: 29/8/2022

  • Date: 1st September 2022 (Thursday)
  • Time: 19:00 – 20:00 (GMT+8)
  • Webinar: Zoom platform

Abstract of Webinar 

In 2020, nearly half of new pancreatic cancer cases worldwide were reported in Asia. In Korea, standards of care for metastatic pancreatic cancer (mPaCa) are similar to Europe with some noticeable differences in 2L treatment option. In this webinar, Prof Changhoon Yoo from the Asan Medical Center (Seoul) will present mPaCa treatment trend in Korea, focusing on first, second and third line treatment options. Clinical cases will be presented and a special focus will be on liposomal irinotecan usage at the second line setting.

CME accreditations Approved:

  • Hong Kong College of Physicians (1.0)
  • Hong Kong College of Radiologists (1.0)
  • The College of Surgeons of Hong Kong (1.0)
  • The Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists (1.0)
  • The Hong Kong College of Pathologists (1.0)

Organized by 

  • Hong Kong Society of Medical Oncology

Supported by 

  • MEDcentra

Sponsored by

  • Servier


19:00 – 19:05

  • Opening

19:05 -19:15

Current pancreatic cancer treatment in HK

            Dr. Gin Wai Gerry Kwok

19:15 -19:40

A Korean perspective: mPaCa & liposomal irinotecan with real world evident

In 2020, nearly half of new pancreatic cancer cases worldwide were reported in Asia. In Korea, standards of care for metastatic pancreatic cancer (mPaCa) are similar to Europe with some noticeable differences in 2L treatment option. In this webinar, Prof Changhoon Yoo from the Asan Medical Center (Seoul) will present mPaCa treatment trend in Korea, focusing on first, second and third line treatment options. Clinical cases will be presented and a special focus will be on liposomal irinotecan usage at the second line setting.

            Prof. Changhoon Yoo

19:40 – 19:55

  • Q&A Session

19:55 – 20:00

  • Concluding remark