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王穎羚 Hannah, WONG Wing Ling

註冊營養師-王穎羚 Hannah, WONG Wing Ling

WONG Wing Ling, Hannah




             澳洲營養師協會會員 (Dietitians Australia)

             香港社區營養師協會副主席 (Vice President, Hong Kong Community Dietitian Association)


Hannah 於香港大學取得食品及營養學榮譽學士,及後於悉尼大學深造獲得營養及營養治療學碩士,現為澳洲註冊營養師。Hannah 曾於澳洲悉尼的醫院和康復中心接受臨床培訓,擁有提供營養治療予不同疾病的病人,包括:營養不良、糖尿病、癌症和腎病等的豐富經驗。


Hannah 亦熱衷於為大眾提倡健康飲食的重要性,故擔任香港社區營養師協會副主席。策劃和協助健康飲食的教育活動,推動大眾以健康飲食預防和舒緩慢性疾病。


Hannah is an Accredited Practising Dietitian graduated from University of Sydney, Australia with a Master of Nutrition and Dietetics degree after completing a Bachelor of Food and Nutritional Science in The University of Hong Kong. Through her clinical training in hospital and rehabilitation centre in Sydney, she has experience in working with people with different health issues including diabetes, kidney disease and malnutrition, etc.

As a private practice dietitian, Hannah focuses on maternal health, specialising in fertility and pregnancy. She is good at putting together realistic and evidence-based plan to achieve clients’ health goals. Her dietary intervention is achieved through education and empowerment aiming to equip clients with knowledge to make wise food choices and elicit positive changes.

With her strong passion to advocate healthy eating and the belief of “food as medicine”, Hannah took on the Vice President role in Hong Kong Community Dietitian Association, to promote healthy eating for chronic disease prevention.
