
香港中醫︰自組「民間中醫結盟抗疫」計劃,應對第五波Omicron 黃韻婷博士

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How Chinese Medicine perspective in interpreting COVID-19 or Omicorn?

From epidemiological of China and Hong Kong, the symptoms presentation the patients of Omicorn are of its highly infectious, delayed incubation period, strong wind-related syndrome with symptoms of headache, fever, sore throat, nasal congestion or discharge, cough with white sputum. The minimal pneumonia presentation is different from the first generation of the variants of the COVID-19 dated back to 2021 (High grade fever, cough and pneumonia was a standout)

How Chinese Medicine could help to fight this epidemics?

When we dated back to last year when COVID-19

By Systematic Review of 5 Randomized Controlled trial (RCT) are able to shown 830 of patients, by taking Lianhua Qingwen Capsules or granules have been able to moderate improved (RR: 1.24) in clinical efficacy and CT value of (RR:1.22) and lower rate of conversion into severe case (RR:0.47) when compared to control case in the COVID-19. During the COVID-19 in 2019, Mobile Cabin hospital at Wuhang did first identify the clinical character of the COVID-19 and then by big data and clinical expertise of Chinese Medicine to map out the formulation for “three formulation and three medications 三方三藥” (Lianhua Qingwhen Capsules is one of it) and specific mobile cabin hospital with Chinese herbs had 20-30% of decreased of diagnosed of positive or severe cases. With 1,000 patients in each of this mobile cabin hospital and follow up assessment by Best evidence of RCT, we are more than confident to say that Chinese herbs prescriptions under the Hong Kong ordinance of Chinese medicine and guidelines from China, we could able to disseminate this clinical outcomes with our best clinical practice in the bedside even in this darkest time in Hong Kong. We should respect the evidence-based medicine also apply to Chinese Medicine field and we are standing by with the patients who trust the power of ancient wisdom, science and clinical application.

延伸閱讀  【癌症飲食】癌症病人的口腔護理 Part 2 | 黃韻婷博士 謝均耀醫生

Why the Chinese medicine practitioners could initiate this campaign to fight this COVID-19 Epidemics?

The need of telemedicine in the populations need to be resolved, especially when Hong Kong citizens need to wait for the quarantine when they are staying at home without any resources. Traditionally, we need to take the 4 diagnostic methods and we are moving to the era of Telemedicine with the aid of mobile app.

For the threat of COVID-19, 576 of CMP out of 10,000 CMP from Hong Kong, by different parties, both private and university affiliated clinic in assisting patients for their medical conditions. Patients need to make online appointment with the respective platform. CMP by the time to see patients by means of whatsapp, facetime or zoom. During the consultation, CMP will consult for the 3 diagnostic methods (i.e. inquiry, observation and auscultation) to capture 80% of the clinical picture for mild diseases and communicate with patients of other concern or excluding other complicated encounters like ordinary consultation with your doctors. After arriving the diagnoses, CMP prescribed the Chinese herbs for completion and brief patients through of follow up assessment. After the consolidation of logistics, Chinese herbs will be delivered door-to-door in the patients and the whole process could minimize the risk of direct contact in this threat and compliance to the implementation of home confinement.

延伸閱讀  【應對新冠後遺症】心血管疾病風險管理 | 李楚山醫生

(香港註冊中醫學會, Hong Kong Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioners Associations) https://sites.google.com/view/rcmptele/
(20 February 2022; n=268)

(香港中醫院校聯席)Hong Kong Chinese Medicine Association) https://www.cmedhk.org/post/hk_tele_cmed

(20 February 2022, 288)

(香港浸會大學免費網上應診服務, Hong Kong Baptist University)

http://www.hkbucm.com/?news=%e7%b6%b2%e4%b8%8a%e8%a8%ba%e7%97%87&lang=en (For Diagnosed COVID-19 subjects only)



What is Lianhua Qingwhen capsules? Why people purchase for this and why it is out of stock?

Lianhua Qingwhen Capsules consisted of Lian qiao (連翹)、Jinyinhua(金銀花)、zhimahuang(炙麻黃)、chao ku xingren (炒苦杏仁)、shi gao (石膏)、banlangen (板藍根)、Mian ma guan Zhong (棉馬貫眾)、yu xingcao (魚腥草)、guang huoxiang (廣藿香)、da huang (大黃)、hong jingtian (紅景天)、bao he nao (薄荷腦)、gan cao(甘草). Zhimahuang(炙麻黃) contains L-ephedrine have been interacted with some antihypertensive or cardiovascular medications such as MAO inhibitors (e.g. Phenelzine), Diurectics, Beta-blockers or Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors that would increase the complication of increasing blood pressure, tachycardia etc. Before you take this Over the counter medication, please consult your Chinese or Western medical doctors.

Most of the OTC of Lianhua Qingwhen capsles are out of stock, if feasible, there are paid or free telemedicine service available as mentioned above. It is safer to protect patients, Chinese medicine practitioner and not overloading the public medical system and an alternative options of the to choose online CMP telemedicine.




Gong, X., et al. (2021). “Efficacy and Safety of Lianhuaqingwen Capsules for the Prevention of Coronavirus Disease 2019: A Prospective Open-Label Controlled Trial.” Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2021: 7962630.

Shi, C., et al. (2022). “Lianhua Qingwen Capsules Reduced the Rate of Severity in Patients with COVID-19: A System Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.” Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2022: 9617429.

註冊中醫 黄韻婷博士 Dr Wendy Wong

Dr. Wendy Wong  |  Chinese Medicine Practitioner

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